GOD sent the Angel Nithyashree 10 years ago to the earth. At the age of 5, Nithya started learning Carnatic music. For the first two years, she learned music from Srimathi Lakshmi Raman maami. For the past 3+ years she is learning from Lalgudi Jayaraman’s sister Srimathi Padmavathi Ananthagopalan. (These information were revealed by Princess Nithya herself during the Carnatic Round entry)

When she came for the auditions, she was not a great singer. An ordinary child from the middle class, but with a lot of passion, she gave 100% in everything she did – whether it is audition, special festival round or regular elimination round. The zeal to excel was evident in Nithya’s eyes. The humility toward elders, judges was consistent. She is so friendly toward her co-contestants and truly sheds tears when they get eliminated.

She has continuously learned from the comments of the judges and voice expert and transformed from an ordinary child to a potential title winner. She is an ever-smiling beauty. Cinderalla Princess Nithyashree is so active and has been the centre of attraction in every episode of this show. She is theornament of this SSJ2 show.

I love this pretty cutie lovely Princess my darling Nithyashree and bless her success in her musical, academic and career fronts. I pray to the almighty to shower her with happiness throughout her life and give her a long, healthy, wealthy and peaceful life.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Princess Cinderalla Darling Cutie Nithyashree sings "Sirichi sirichi vandhan cheena thaanaa doy..."

This rendition was a turning point not only for the pretty Nithyashree, but also for SSJ2 show. TheTRP of the show hit the skies the same night this performance was broadcasted. Those who were not aware this show, came to know about this.

The familiarity went beyond SSJ2, and brought a significant market advantage to Vijay TV as a whole. VTV should be grateful to Nithyashree for this.

The membership in all the forums soared that night. Princess Nithya became talk of the next day in the ration shops, malls, trains, buses, public places, corporate office cafeterias and everywhere.

Here is the youtube link of this performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLNIufYF5U

1 comment:

  1. i love u dear.......................................................................................god will bless u with all success and HAPPINESS
